

  m. s  G+ A7 N! B! htea,t4u6 n4 R- p" l) {$ w( r


原帖由 lee480318 於 2008-12-31 16:32 發表
& L% q, q3 q, |: qtea for you根據本壇特派記者 "lee480318" 於立法院最新實況報導.....
3 Q1 b' z- K& c( Utea for youtea,t4u/ S/ m6 P" v6 N/ i: a
立法院本於今天中午立法規定.....  @" G. W1 |: F& _
每個已婚男子每天至少都要唱一遍  "妳是我的花朵" 給你的 LP 聽.
3 g2 s3 b; H, D8 Atea,t4u
( P: a; `% D0 c( o4 `. LTea For You 茶藝論壇然有民眾  如蘋女士
5 b8 r! u5 l. o+ T, et4u.com.tw強烈建議要把 "妳是我的花朵 ...
tea for you1 _! N, z% P5 r2 j
tea,t4u4 W5 l& F0 r1 a- N' f$ q
. l6 I; |: q" L: Qtea,t4u
6 v) [6 k) g  u4 Z$ E! O* N4 |tea,t4u那就~~"妳是我的奶茶"...........吧!


原帖由 松秀齋 於 2009-1-1 10:15 發表 tea for you9 R) b1 y4 [: i9 R4 S; I/ ?( q
t4u.com.tw% w$ e7 n& s8 w$ c  @. {: F' O
tea,t4u" X* l2 h  x/ f
$ F) e/ U8 w5 f: D$ |8 ]% }$ Rtea,t4utea,t4u/ J# I, D* `! C) P8 G
& l* l2 |* M8 e2 h; v

& [5 ?6 a6 {8 P# {$ ]0 T0 [+ |% S, B8 x加上去了 Tea For You 茶藝論壇4 q0 r( _$ p+ h/ ?4 J' M+ t6 Y" J7 A
不過為了維持整個文的順暢tea,t4u- t' M0 e, r9 k# ?& B
小弟擅自更改為 "妳是我的茶奶"Tea For You 茶藝論壇( a2 S, ]3 E$ Z& P


原帖由 素還真 於 2008-12-30 17:21 發表 tea for you* T7 c+ O2 S4 i
http://tw.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGoWtY_h4xotea,t4u' \7 B8 f) s  x: w; h* Z

* ^0 ^/ k, X+ K0 Wtea,t4uTea For You 茶藝論壇+ g( i6 b2 J' {, Y" i& I

8 i* v. C% x! H8 W* w1 k2 K- m' S' P1 PLook into my eyes
- W! o1 }' O+ w; [, tYou will see what you mean to me tea,t4u0 n: j' v* h- s! A
Search your heart search your soul 3 Q7 z$ H. S0 p0 g6 b7 w( H
And when you find me there you'll search no more t4u.com.tw0 s6 |) K8 r) H& T* U# I0 Q+ J
Don't te ...
* l! L% F7 D# p! C6 s+ [t4u.com.tw這首歌真好聽,歌詞又美
8 z, Q% L; a( I% T7 u竟讓我這既 老不修兼失智又愛543 的老人一聽再聽.
1 p6 h6 F$ p7 @4 C8 q3 a& H: N很美....很美的一首歌, 讓人憶起了往日情懷
0 @6 A+ p  o" t1 `; ~/ MTea For You 茶藝論壇Tea For You 茶藝論壇4 `  |0 O5 p) F4 [: A' r# n' e
茲將原文翻譯一下,希望沒有失了它美美又深情的意境( u9 o4 ^; O: ?( W6 L
) F$ r4 Z' ?( P7 m; l& w& M
Look into my eyes
' b# Q( j1 D8 TTea For You 茶藝論壇凝視我的眼睛
( r( {9 x/ t. Z" K  C5 m0 tt4u.com.twYou will see what you mean to me
Tea For You 茶藝論壇: G0 v3 m8 y* ?1 E: p3 _
1 J. s( T( T# J6 wtea,t4uSearch your heart search your soul
3 o# h7 @: M2 k7 y2 ?1 S+ R
6 X% w& _$ R" b. {5 l$ u請深入您的內心與靈魂

; i7 q& l. A) A! U! yTea For You 茶藝論壇And when you find me there you'll search no more 0 D3 G1 j0 E5 W' o. et4u.com.tw! t  h/ \; z! C' r3 P/ c+ @7 g
t4u.com.tw; K' Z& O3 Y3 a# _
Don't tell me it's not worth trying for 8 W  h6 v- k9 T5 l' B" ~
2 T# g3 g7 n" K  Qt4u.com.tw
* i# `: `# Y+ L6 {8 b% w, u4 BTea For You 茶藝論壇You can't tell me it's not worth dying for
3 ], Y4 s) r; h: \tea for you別說...妳不值得我以生相許

! o7 A, ?0 L6 n' ~" Atea,t4uYou know it's true
$ m; y" W% x# j妳知道..這是真的..真的!
tea,t4u6 ?8 M. h1 k" Y7 \/ i
Everything I do $ N) ~0 j+ v; e" p, X7 q  A
/ ?) g+ g6 d! s) R8 X0 c  GI do it for you
tea,t4u% p5 D. z! s) b' _' ^/ O
為了妳...我所做所為...都是為了妳3 x! B- F) F) @1 u9 b8 z9 f/ t2 v
t4u.com.tw4 r% L9 m- m0 G4 _; H0 }5 ]
Look into your heart 7 d* b) d8 `, @. D& H' x& N8 w; f- Z9 n9 O8 |( p
看看妳的內心深處Tea For You 茶藝論壇2 Q) B# O/ [3 \7 x/ v1 u9 W* b/ u
You will find there's nothing there to hide
7 W  c# p( d# O% f- t( l不要躲避妳的感情

4 z0 j7 B" A1 W5 b3 {tea,t4uTake me as I am take my life
, c5 ~* i9 J. D0 yTea For You 茶藝論壇接受我..用生命的愛...

7 t+ ?9 m% q( x6 D& Btea,t4uI would give it all I would sacrify ' r6 A; h+ m; x; U5 \

# r8 N( k; d+ K) Q% Q' }tea,t4uDon't tell me it's not worth fighting for) [. q! t; l0 [' T9 f+ J5 O7 s
( @  j: z. z) I' |1 S' R: s/ [" Ptea for you
5 [/ L3 P9 k" Q( r& U2 tt4u.com.twI can't help it there's nothing I want more
& t0 x: q# E1 tt4u.com.tw我情不自禁,因為妳是我唯一的愛
Tea For You 茶藝論壇7 m$ `8 i& I- Q% s8 T' B, e/ G- B
There's no love   w- m5 R$ X5 J% Z: p$ y- D! {& f2 o0 Z# t1 c5 a
Like your love tea,t4u" C! q5 [+ e3 d" }2 _# U# l0 n
t4u.com.tw7 z; u1 X! l# m5 o. b5 q
And no other 9 ?# ^" _* n7 m# }7 i% U5 A
/ x. O: Y: S( Gtea,t4uCould give more love $ x; H) S1 e. x! I# utea,t4u2 ^/ S( `. ?% N9 \
無人可取代t4u.com.tw4 \- }9 X! K$ z0 U' L
There's no one
, v* a; m7 K9 {6 _& {+ U8 S9 Lt4u.com.twUnless you're there
( }* W1 ?/ b; o# {! `0 Z. c! }2 @tea,t4u
All the time all the way % b4 j" o$ p9 \& j1 I1 gt4u.com.tw3 c7 q$ j% }2 W% H! F) @, g
4 P% i% \$ A* f  dt4u.com.tw7 i; @5 u0 `& S3 ^  v6 {) s
妳是我一生一世的愛t4u.com.tw  c/ s8 V! Q  j  E7 t; o
Ah you can't tell me it's not worth trying for
2 f( G6 k9 [" s4 X) d% Z5 Uㄚ~~別說妳不值得我這樣做

+ {! [# R  |9 T* |I can't help it there's nothing I want more tea,t4u9 f% V% \, A3 Z: t$ |4 p

$ q5 X  P) \" m7 j: S' U* Ztea for youYeah I would fight for you
  V  C# S& p" r! z5 k% A! Wtea,t4uI'd lie for you

5 Y$ t! z% `/ Hㄚ~~我願意為你戰鬥至死 - z' g% }3 v. R3 Y+ s
/ s8 _/ u. c6 c# K! j: y6 aWalk the wire for you
tea,t4u; p" `8 a+ h5 L) G" \! x
為妳冒生命的危險 ( ~- S  C: h) E( m
( i" u9 l* a2 ?+ R6 W$ o5 ]tea,t4uYeah I'd die for you
tea,t4u# ^$ f; |' |5 X( u( A
為妳而死...真的!tea,t4u, W; z1 I1 B- G
q' j9 U; p" o


1 K3 z8 [$ R- Q+ m/ \t4u.com.tw這麼好的歌...值得
. W/ y' B3 P8 H* S
& k3 x! d; W/ s, d# Y! ^tea,t4u再來一個卡通版的與女生版的與茶友们共享...
- d( g& A* N% w7 G" K( Chttp://tw.youtube.com/watch?v=J2zXR6skuTc&feature=relatedtea,t4u9 b$ q# j- N+ L






謝謝! 這二個版的更好聽.tea for you9 l# V( S! K# t0 M- W' ~$ K. l

7 A4 C  ?4 F! Z# H6 vtea,t4u竟然連續聽了好幾遍........我大概是發情了


If every word you said was true
- Z3 d2 L; e4 M8 aTea For You 茶藝論壇Why i still felt lonely ……


Lee兄tea,t4u4 Z2 B5 Q7 G+ m( j6 `
' }9 z0 y+ q) ctea,t4u. M% u9 W& y- s
不小心桂花單欉泡得難喝了一點( ]4 p  e+ z* C2 r9 C8 E3 D

7 O: a' }  B* _; m5 I  g, lDon't care pls.
- |3 K0 i4 I" ]" t- JTea For You 茶藝論壇
! S5 _3 g0 ]7 ltea,t4u陽光很好 就是有些刺眼……

